Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Farms and Families-Day 3

Today our group went to Waltham Farms and helped plant what will become over 1200 lettuce plants and over 2400 leeks. The farm itself is the most established and expansive of all the sites we've been too totaling over 8 acres of land.  They use an awesome biodegradable plastic made out of corn to protect the leeks from evil weeds. For the powers of good and justice must triumph! The head farmer, Amanda was like Rosie the Riveter. She went to Harvard for Pre-Med but the reason she decided to go into farming was due to a volunteer experience in which she was rattled by the number of children that were still hungry afterward. She was very enthusiastic about her work and could plant like nobody's business.

Later that evening, we were invited by a current student's parents' house who also invited a Gleamer to come speak to us. Gleamers salvage food that is about to expire from various locations such as farms, grocery stores,  etc. His name is Oak and he had so many stories to tell.  The food was amazing and the couple was so generous!! (Allie went crazy for the ice creams they fed us) It's nice to see a connection between UMD students and parents....and it's also nice to get a free meal. 

Photo courtesy of Yvonne and her camera at house of esteemed and generous family.

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